Listen Shreenagar FM Online
Shreenagar FM is a News and Current Affairs radio station of Nepal that provide the local and international true and quality news on time, Its head office is located in Tansen Nepal, You can listen live On-Air transmission on 93.2 frequencies, It was launched 2007 and work under the management of public awareness programs under the law and the permission of HMG, Capacity: 2000 watt transmission, For promotion of your business you can call us on 00977-075 -521 660 number, Address:18 Kailasnagr 7 Tansen, Palpa.
Shrinagar FM has given the electrical fusing concepts via any incident and immediately efficient way of typical group for the audience for listening and to be got advised. Most of the companies after the multi party program in Nepal. Shreenagar FM started to set up its influence in other places upon the moment.
All due to its wonderful UNESCO ancient town it was first of all initially known as an experienced Shreenagar FM Radio on Apr 13 Dec from 93.2 transmitted programs at while in Kathmandu it started on 28 Dec analyze transmitted.
Nepali literature, culture arts and featured on their own along with clauses exposed to various opportunities and with the purpose of interesting applications transmitted i.e. Juliet sunrise to late night 18-hour trial in their own individual lifestyle and recognize the photographs.
Shreenagar FM (P) Ltd.
Kailashnagar 7, Tansen Palpa
Tel : 075-521660, 521732
Email: shreenagarfm@gmail.com