Radio satellite FM Listen Online
Radio Satellite 105.5MHz is the Private radio station, which is totally run 18 hour a day by the local initiatives i.e. by farmers, industrialists, educationists, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, journalists etc. It was established on 1st September 2014. Run by Clock media Pvt. Ltd.
It is totally responsible towards the society. The demand of the age is to explore the inherent knowledge, skill and other possibilities and to utilize them properly. Similarly, to protect, to continue as well as to flourish our traditional values, to inspire the people to improve the flaws and weaknesses gradually and to end the increasing absurdity, escapism and negativity is the sole aim of the society.
To make aware people of the above-mentioned negative attitudes, it is necessary to have discussion. So, Satellite FM will pay its attention to put an end of these negative feelings. On the other hand, this radio will focus to unearth the identification of the people of Terai especially minority, schedule caste of Nawalparasi, Rupandehi and boarder areas of India etc. and to explore and develop the inner capabilities of the people living in this area. To fulfill the aim, it will be a very powerful means of communication.
Radio Satellite Online – रेडियो स्याटेलाईट एफ.एम
Sena sadak, Ramgram Nawalparasi
Phone: 078-520245
Email: radiosatellite105.5@gmail.com
Website: www.radiosatellite.com.np