Radio Gulmi Live – Tamghas Gulmi
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Radio Gulmi FM is a commercial radio based in Tamghas municipality in Gulmi, Nepal. The radio station is named after the name of district it is located in. It airs its programs in FM 91.2 MHz. It is one of the popular radio broadcasting from western Nepal. It was founded by the Gulmi Media Private Limited.
It broadcasts its programs in the Nepalese language. It has news bulletins, broadcasting 18 hours a day. It has popular daily discussion programmes, talk shows, phone in programmes, musical programmes and many more every day.
The main aim of this fm is to change society in a positive manner and be the voice of the voiceless poor of rural areas.
Gulmi FM Online – गुल्मी एफ.एम
Putali bazar Tamghas, Gulmi
Phone: 079-520736, 520737, 520738
email : gulmifm@gmail.com
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