Radio Dhading Listen Online

Radio Dhading 106 MHz
Neelkantha -5, Dhading
Tel : +977-10-520960, 691540
Fax : +977-10-520961
Email : radiodhading@gmail.com
Website: www.radiodhading.org
The Radio Dhading is the community radio in the Dhading, Nepal which is the most frequent evening transmitting channel that is listening. Not only in the Dhading it is also largely broadcasting in the area of Kathmandu and Pokhara audiences can listen to directly via the internet at home and abroad in any place and concepts.
Here on Radio Dhading FM our audience would get a lot of the shows and the Nepali talks concerning the traditional, spiritual and cultural significance however they have not obtained proper interest and the place is popular for the traditional individuals way of life but there lacks the feeling of conservation.
This Radio Dhading FM progress and success of luck with the necessary support, guidance, recommendations, feedback, sharing, such as here in the workplace, organization, and NLI, institute, firm, organization, riverbank, the personal industry and indigenous and migrant bros, siblings personal or ad concept in several European applications available to press sponsorship are please requested to cause to be done for collaboration. Via, there are adequate medicinal plants in the area but the aspect of the utilization is not encouraging.