Damauli Fm Listen Online
Damauli FM is located in Vyas-2, Damauli, Tanahun. From Damauli it is broadcasting programs with the capacity of 500 watt which can be heard from Tanahun, Lamjung, Gorkha, Manang, Kaski, Nawalparasi, Dolpa and few other districts in western Nepal.
It is cumminity radio run by Tahahun Sanchar Sahakari Sanstha.
It focuses on local news, social issues and local political issues. The radio programs are focused on entertainment, social issues and news.
It focuses on local news, social issues and local political issues. The radio programs are focused on entertainment, social issues and news.
Vyas (Byas), is a municipality of Tanahun District located in Gandaki Pradesh in Nepal and incorporates the village Damauli, the district’s headquarter, for which the municipality is also often referred to as Damauli. The municipality was established by merging the former Village development committee Damauli with several of its neighbors, the most recent merger being the one with Pokhari Bhanjyang in 2014. It lies on the bank of Madi Khola.
Radaio Damauli starts broadcasting everyday from 4:55 AM till 10:30 PM. It can be heard all over the world from through the website www.damaulifm.org.
Radio Damauli 94.2 Mhz
Damauli, Nepal