Listen Butwal FM Online
Butwal FM 94.4 is the leading Private Radio station in Town(Butwal). It has been airing since 7th Asar, 2059 B.S. under the name of Siddhartha Media Services Pvt Ltd. Butwal FM is totally committed to contribute in the development of Nation’s Mass Media.It On-Airs various shows everyday with regular schedule of 18 hours all dedicated to different age group listeners. We intend to provide 100% satisfaction to our beloved listeners and well wishers. With our 1000 watts transmiter it reaches throughout the Rupandehi district and other parts like Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Chitwan, Gulmi, Dang and boarder areas of India etc. In addition we are streaming live all around the World 24 hour via www.butwalfm.org . Every shows are tailored with the specific needs of listeners in mind. It broadcasts the most reliable and quickest News bulletin every hour regarding current affairs and facts.
Moreover, We are proud to introduce our another effort in Media through Nawa Tilottama National Daily newspaper publishing under the Siddhartha Media Services Pvt. Ltd. Distributaion area reaches Butwal, Bhairahawa, Taulihawa, Gulmi, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Syanja, Nawalparasi and Chitwan till date.
To become the best form of Media house we alwayas welcome your honourable suggestions.
With guaranteed quality Entertainment and Credible information we are Your Choice and Your Voice.
Butwal-12, Kalikanagar
Phone No: 071-438574
Fax: 071- 438572
Email: butwalfm94.4@gmail.com